Terra Nova is sending a BIG thank you to MN Department of Education’s Deputy Commissioner, Dr. Stephanie Graff, for visiting us today and allowing our students to share how choosing Terra Nova has helped them rediscover their love of learning. #terranovamn #projectbasedlearning #outofftheclassroomintotheworld #coolschool #mncharterschool #mnmde
Each week we get "Out of the Classroom" and into our woods! It's always neat to see what changes are happening this time of year with the leaves and animals. We heard Cedar waxwings galore and the leaves are peaking with color. #terranovamn #outoftheclassroom #fallphenology #terranovaforest #takemeoutside
In this week's Edible Earth Science, students have been working hard on their own solar oven designs and today they got to test them out! Let's just say there's a reason we chose "safe to eat raw" cookie dough. #projectbasedlearning #terranovamn #edibleearthscience #solarovenscience
Take Me Outside today focused on nature-inspired art. Creativity was flowing and the sun was shining. #takemeoutside #terranovamn #experientiallearning #outoftheclassroomintotheworld
Terra Nova is participating in the Bounce Back project. The Bounce Back Project is a unique collaboration of physicians, nurses, hospital leaders, and staff who have come together for a single purpose — to impact the lives of individuals, communities, and organizations by promoting health through happiness. You can opt-in today and be part of this to increase your happiness and overall health. #bounceback #bounceback2023 #terranovamn #projectbasedlearning #happinessandhealth
Seminars with our advisors aren't your normal seminars. This week Jess led an Edible Earth Science activity where students learned about the 3 types of rocks through a no-bake (secretly healthy) "cookie" activity. #projectbasedlearning #terranovamn #edibleearthscience
Day three of Take Me Outside at Terra Nova was a blast learning about ecosystems through a predator/prey tag game! "Out of the Classroom, Into the World" follows a continuum along with the Take Me Outside Challenge. @take.me.outside @takemeoutside #terranovamn #TMO4LearningChallenge #TakeMeOutsideWeek #outoftheclassroomintotheworld
Yesterday was another TMO afternoon filled with environmental education games, solar ovens, and more getting us "Out of the Classroom, Into the World." @take.me.outside @takemeoutside #terranovamn #TMO4LearningChallenge #TakeMeOutsideWeek #outoftheclassroomintotheworld #projectbasedlearning
Students at Terra Nova embraced our mission today on our first day of the Take Me Outside (TMO) Challenge! With our mission of Out of the Classroom, Into the World and TMO's focus of "not all classrooms have four walls," Terra Nova can uphold environmental stewardship, acknowledge the history of our land, and appreciate nature. #TMO4LearningChallenge #terranovamn @take.me.outside #outoftheclassroomintotheworld
We are always looking for ways to embrace our mission of getting "Out of the Classroom, Into the World." This week we are engaging in the international Take Me Outside Week and Take Me Outside Day! Check your email later today for an announcement about this week at Terra Nova and this challenge. @take.me.outside @takemeoutside #terranovamn #TMO4LearningChallenge #TakeMeOutsideWeek #outoftheclassroomintotheworld
Terra Nova is excited to announce our participation in a new state pilot program called Direct Admissions Minnesota.“Direct Admissions” means a student has gained conditional or guaranteed admittance to 1 or more of the 50+ colleges and/or universities that are participating. This is a HUGE step for our school to be recognized as a college-ready school! An email was sent to 12th graders and their families. For more information feel free to scan the QR code or contact our Counseling Department. #terranovamn #directadmissionsmn #outoftheclassroomintotheoworld
Are you an avid outdoors person? Are you an advocate for forests, trails, and outdoor recreation? Consider joining our School Forest Committee to help us develop a plan to get part of our forest designated as an MN DNR School Forest! Scan the QR code to learn more and fill out our interest form! #terranovamn #mnschoolforest #outoftheclassroomintotheworld
Touring Northland College in Ashland, WI today! One of our Alumni, Channing, attends here. They even provided us free lodging in Cable, WI, in the Gatehouse. Thanks Northland College! #terranovamn #outoftheclassroom #northlandcollege
The Nobel Conference group had a blast learning, handling, and tasting insects. It truly met the "Little Body, Big Impact" conference theme! Students also enjoyed exploring the Gustavus campus greenhouse, geology museum, and art exhibits. #nobel59 #terranovamn #outoftheclassroomintotheworld #experientiallearning #insectsareamazing #geologyrocks #plantsarecool
Amanda and Jen had a great first day on their college tour field trip and are gearing up for more tomorrow! #terranovamn #outoftheclassroomintotheworld #collegetours
We wrapped up our first day at the Nobel Conference at the "Bug Bites" reception with a variety of foods that were created by and/or pollinated by insects plus a few more adventurous things made with insects (the brownie with mealworm flour and mealworms was delish!). To end the night we attended the Moth StorySLAM storytelling event. Not only was it entertaining, but some of our students' stories were shared on stage and Krissen and Jess were chosen as judges! (Team Dragon and Damsel - to represent dragonflies and damselflies of course ;) #terranovamn #mothstoryslam #nobel59 #outoftheclassroomintotheworld #bugsaretasty
FEMA is planning a nationwide emergency alert test for Wednesday, October 4.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) on Wednesday, October 4.
The national test will consist of two portions and is scheduled to begin at approximately 1:30 p.m. Central Time. The WEA portion of the test will be directed to all cell phones, so please expect all faculty and student mobile devices to be alerted at this time.
Students are "bugging" out about the Nobel Conference this year. The theme is "Little Bodies, Big Impact" has been incredible in fostering learning about the importance of insects and other macroinvertebrates that make up over 80% of all organisms on our planet. #nobel59 #terranovamn #outoftheclassroomintotheworld #bugsarecool #weloveinsects
Check out our first edition of the Terra Nova Trailhead! You can find it in your email (if you are a subscriber) or you can find it on our website/app under "Trailhead Newsletter". #terranovamn #terranovatrailhead
The Terra Nova "Green Thumb" community project is growing a lot of fun memories. #terranovamn #projectbasedlearning #outoftheclassroom